Diz que fui por aí

Lyrics from "Diz que fui por aí" by Zé Kéti and Hortêncio Rocha (1964) -- If anyone asks after me, tell them I went out Carrying my guitar under my arm On any corner, I'll stop At any little bar, I'll go in And if there's reason - that's another samba I'll compose If they want to know… Continue reading Diz que fui por aí

“A voz do morro” and “Acender as velas”

Lyrics from "A voz do morro" by Zé Kéti (1955) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2w_V4H-pxFY - I'm samba, the voice from the morro, that's me indeed, yes sir I want to show the world that I have worth I'm the king of the terreiro, I'm samba I'm native from here, from Rio de Janeiro I'm the one who brings joy to millions… Continue reading “A voz do morro” and “Acender as velas”