
Lyrics from “Barulho” by Roque Ferreira (2007)

Fazendo tanto barulho // Making such a fuss
Você vai acordar meu orgulho // You’re going to awaken my pride
Que tanto dorme por nós // Which has slept so much, for us
Tudo relevo e tolero // I take and tolerate everything
Mas já falei ‘Eu não quero // But I’ve told you ‘I don’t want
Que me levante a voz’ // You to raise your voice with me’

Apesar das divergências // In spite of our differences
Com todas as disavenças // With all of the strife
A gente não separou // We never separated
Porque meus olhos fechei // Because I shut my eyes
E sem rancor, perdoei // And, without rancor, forgave
Os seus crimes de amor // Your crimes of love

Pode mentir à vontade // You can lie as much as you wish
Eu sei que fidelidade // I know that faithfulness
Não é seu forte afinal // Is not your forte, after all
E mesmo que eu quisesse // And even if I wanted to
Ainda que eu pudesse // Even if I could
Não ia fazer igual // I wouldn’t act the same

Porque só beijo quem amo // Because I only kiss those I love
Só abraço quem gosto // I only embrace those I like
Só me dou por paixão // I only give myself with passion
Eu só sei amar direito // I only know how to love perfectly
Nasci com esse defeito // I was born with that defect
No coração // Of the heart

— Commentary —

Roque Ferreira has over 400 songs recorded by renowned samba singers including Martinho da Vila, Beth Carvalho, Zeca Pagodinho, Alcione, Roberto Ribeiro,  João Nogueira, and Maria Bethânia.
Roque Ferreira has over 400 recorded songs, many of them released by such renowned samba singers as Martinho da Vila, Beth Carvalho, Zeca Pagodinho, Alcione, Roberto Ribeiro, João Nogueira, and Maria Bethânia.

Roque Ferreira was born on March 12, 1947, in Nazaré das Farinhas, Bahia, and began composing music after moving to Salvador at age 14.  In the samba world he is among the most revered contemporary composers of Bahian samba. To hear more, listen to his 2004 album Tem samba no mar, and here’s a great 1989 album of sambas from Bahia, including Ferreira’s “Na força do meu rojão” at minute 28.

Still, in spite of his success as a composer, a fair number of less involved samba savants haven’t even heard his name, since so many of his most famous songs were released by other artists.

Samba darling Clara Nunes was in large part responsible for bringing Ferreira’s music to a wider audience in Brazil: she released his “Apenas um adeus” in 1979, and “Coração valente” in 1981. By 1984, Beth Carvalho, known as the “patroness of samba,” had released his composition “Doce de cajá,” and in 1986, João Nogueira released “Triste regresso.”

Today Ferreira has more than 400 recorded songs, released by renowned sambistas including Alcione, Martinho da Vila, Beth Carvalho, Zeca Pagodinho, Roberto Ribeiro, Zélia Duncan, Teresa Cristina, Mart’nália, João Nogueira, Amélia Rabello and Maria Bethânia. Bethânia, who grew up in Bahia and went on to become one of Brazil’s most beloved singers of all time, has recorded seven of Roque Ferreira’s songs, including “Barulho” and “Lágrima.”

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